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Duncansville, Pennsylvania Hotels

Pennsylvania > Duncansville
Looking for information about travel to Duncansville? We've collected the most accurate and current information about Duncansville, PA hotels and much more! You'll be able to book reservations in hotels and motels for your trip to Duncansville easily. Thanks for visiting us, and enjoy your stay!

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Comfort Inn Duncansville
130 Patchway Rd
Duncansville, PA 16635-8429
Nightly Rates (85.99 - 85.99)   3 Star
Comfort Inn Duncansville $hotle.Name
Perfect for business and leisure travelers alike, our Comfort Inn features indoor pool and spa, Comfort Sunshine Breakfast Buffet, free wireless high-speed internet service, adjacent dining (Hoss's Steak and Seahouse or Marzoni's Brick Oven...more
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Comfort Inns