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Shippensburg, Pennsylvania Hotels

Pennsylvania > Shippensburg
Looking for information about travel to Shippensburg? We've collected the most accurate and current information about Shippensburg, PA hotels and much more! You'll be able to book reservations in hotels and motels for your trip to Shippensburg easily. Thanks for visiting us, and enjoy your stay!

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Best Western Shippensburg Hotel
125 Walnut Bottom Road
Shippensburg, PA 17257-8131
Nightly Rates (83.99 - 83.99)   2 Star
Best Western Shippensburg Hotel $hotle.Name
Stay at this Shippensburg, Pennsylvania hotel and enjoy a host of convenient amenities while traveling. The Best Western Shippensburg Hotel is conveniently located on US Interstate 81 in Pennsylvania near key area attractions and business ...more
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Universities & Colleges

Shippensburg University
0.58 miles