Getting Started with HTML - How to Build a Home on the Web

by: Marty Beall

Don't panic, we're almost done with this web page. The last thing we may want to add is the ADDRESS tag. In the ADDRESS tag we put contact information or a document last modified sticker or whatever else you can think of.

To start let's put in another HR linebreak. Next let's put in an ADDRESS tag with our name and e-mail address as a link, so the user can click on it and bring up a mailto screen we'll use another A tag with the HREF attribute along with another mailto: attribute. The ADDRESS tag makes it look italized, the same as using the I tag.

So, all together you have:
-------------------------------------- New Document-------------------------------------------------

<TITLE> This is Where your Title Goes </TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000AA" VLINK="#0000AA" ALINK="#FF0000">
<H1>The is My Headline</H1>
<HR SIZE="4" WIDTH="75%">
<U>This is underlined text.</U>
<B>This is bold text.</B>
<I>This is text is italized.</I>
<FONT COLOR="#hexnum" FACE="fontname" SIZE="2">This is text is formatted by the FONT tag.</FONT>
<A HREF=""></A><BR>
<A HREF=""></A><BR>
<A HREF=""></A><BR>
<ADDRESS><A HREF="">Your Name Here</A></ADDRESS>
-------------------------------------- New Document-------------------------------------------------

1. Just one last step.
2. Need help?

Baltimore's Home Page : Technology : Getting Started with HTML : How to Build a Home on the Web