Getting Started with HTML - How to Build a Home on the Web

by: Marty Beall

Okay, so now let's let people know what some or all of your favorite web sites are. To do this we're going to use the A anchor tag.

Let's insert a line break, I'll use the HR tag. Next we'll want to add the A tag. To do this we add it along with the HREF attribute. You set the HREF attrubute equal to your favorite web site's address.

So, all together you have:
-------------------------------------- New Document-------------------------------------------------

<TITLE> This is Where your Title Goes </TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000AA" VLINK="#0000AA" ALINK="#FF0000">
<H1>The is My Headline</H1>
<HR SIZE="4" WIDTH="75%">
<U>This is underlined text.</U>
<B>This is bold text.</B>
<I>This is text is italized.</I>
<FONT COLOR="#hexnum" FACE="fontname" SIZE="2">This is text is formatted by the FONT tag.</FONT>
<A HREF=""></A>
-------------------------------------- New Document-------------------------------------------------

The words between the A tags could be the company's name, web site name, or whatever you want. So now when a user clicks on they are taken to

That's all fine for just one site but I have a lot how can I get each one on a seperate line? Easy, remember the BR tag, just use it after each </A>.

So, you get something like:
-------------------------------------- New Document-------------------------------------------------

<TITLE> This is Where your Title Goes </TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000AA" VLINK="#0000AA" ALINK="#FF0000">
<H1>The is My Headline</H1>
<HR SIZE="4" WIDTH="75%">
<U>This is underlined text.</U>
<B>This is bold text.</B>
<I>This is text is italized.</I>
<FONT COLOR="#hexnum" FACE="fontname" SIZE="2">This is text is formatted by the FONT tag.</FONT>
<A HREF=""></A><BR>
<A HREF=""></A><BR>
<A HREF=""></A><BR>
-------------------------------------- New Document-------------------------------------------------

Hmm...Getting kind of long, huh?!

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Baltimore Md : Technology : Getting Started with HTML : How to Build a Home on the Web